Friday, April 26, 2013

Chapter 19: Kimberly Moss with TranquiliT clothing, Tranquil Space Studio

The story of TranquiliT clothing line and Kimberly Moss is a fascinating, motivating, and inspiring selection. Kimberly Moss is a perfect example of how to follow your dreams and reach a persons inner creativity. The main points learned by the Kimberly can be described as take a slow approach, learning how to appeal to a niche market, and how to live and build her brand name. One important lesson that Kimberly learned was how to build her business slowly and make difficult decisions. For example, when she first created her business, she started from yoga studio from home and she didn't quit her day job until she had enough cash flow to do so. In addition, she started out with a small group of customers that slowly grew into a large group of people, which resulted in her moving from her house studio into a rented church space. Another important lesson Kimberly learned was how to reach a niche market. By creating detailed flyers that stood out in the neighborhood, she was able to attract a niche group of women. Serving cookies and tea after each session was a great way to bond with her customers and created motivation for her customers to spread the word of her studio. Lastly, Kimberly learned through the "start from scratch" business about how to live and build her brand. As a young girl, Kimberly wanted to help people by achieving a degree in psychotherapy, however, she attained her overall goal of helping people by building her yoga business. She left her job as a paralegal in Washington, D.C. to pursue her dream and to reach her inner creativity. In my opinion, Kimberly opening this business was her way to appeal to Maslow's "self-actualization" human need. As previously stated, her attention to personal detail and customer service by having a book club, tea and cookies, and personalized teaching courses allowed Kimberly an opportunity to create a group of loyal customers.

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